quarta-feira, janeiro 24, 2007

The beautiful people

Peelings, transfusões, facelifts, lipos e demais remendos, taras e manias na série mais voyeurista do momento. "Nip/Tuck" anda a passar às quartas-feiras na TVI, depois do bombardeamento de novelas a metro (ninguém pode amputá-las?). E é de ver, sim senhores.

No trabalho...

...ter a indicação "ocupado" na janela do messenger significa, em 85% das vezes, estar a tomar café.

terça-feira, janeiro 16, 2007

Recordando o cinema de 2006

Personagem do ano: o novo James Bond, na pele de Daniel Craig?

Acho que sim, what's not to like? :P

Somethin' stupid

Chegar a casa, meter "Doolittle" dos Pixies no máximo, encher um copo de Vat 69 e só depois me lembrar que não gosto da bebida.

Mas não, não ficou lá nada.

sábado, janeiro 13, 2007

Home alone

Hoje, sábado à noite. Calhou. Até para não ser como ontem, quando mesmo estando fora e acompanhado, a sensação não parecia assim tão diferente.
Há quem diga que in the end, we all die alone, mas isso será assim tão inquietante se, antes desse momento chegar, já passarmos a maior parte do tempo entregues a nós próprios, mesmo que não de forma literal? Pior é quando não parece haver meios para o evitar, sobretudo quando o impacto e importância que algumas pessoas têm para nós não é recíproco, ou pelo menos não tanto como desejaríamos. Ou isso, ou então ontem devia ter bebido mais uns copos para não destoar de modo tão óbvio...

quinta-feira, janeiro 11, 2007

The State I'm In

Até podia estar aqui com grandes conversas, mas a Fiona diz mais ou menos o que se passa, e melhor do que eu:

Once my lover, now my friend.
What a cruel thing to pretend.
What a cunning way to condescend.
Once my lover, now my friend.

Oh, you creep up like the clouds.
And you set my soul to ease.
Then you let your love abound.
And you bring me to my knees.

Oh, its evil, babe, the way you let your grace enrapture me.
When, well, you know, Id be insane -
To ever let that dirty game recapture me.

You made me a shadowboxer, baby.
I wanna be ready for what you do.
I been swinging all around me.
cause I dont know when youre gonna make your move.

Oh, your gaze is dangerous.
And you fill your space so sweet.
If I let you get too close,
Youll set your spell on me.

So, darlin, I just wanna say.
Just in case I dont come through.
I was on to every play.
I just wanted you.

But, oh, its so evil, my love,
The way youve no reverence to my concern.
So, Ill be sure to stay wary of you, love,
To save the pain of once my flame and twice my burn.

You made me a shadowboxer, baby.
I wanna be ready for what you do.
I been swinging all around me.
cause I dont know when youre gonna make your move.

Fiona Apple

quarta-feira, janeiro 10, 2007

Imagens de 2006

Fotografada por Mert Alas e Marcus Piggott, Natalie Portman surge aqui com um look mais "Closer" do que "Garden State" (e que bem que lhe fica!).
A actriz é uma das personalidades que consta das 33 fotografias mais representativas de 2006 segundo a revista "Vanity Fair".
Entre outros contemplados, o portfolio inclui George Clooney, Edward Norton, Nicole Kidman ou as estrelas ascendentes Lindsay Lohan e Zooey Deschanel. Todas as fotos no site oficial.

domingo, janeiro 07, 2007

Em tempo de balanços de 2006, convém não esquecer O Tempo que Resta" (Le Temps qui Reste), um dos pontos altos no que ao cinema diz respeito. Não será o melhor filme do ano (embora não esteja longe), mas é o melhor de François Ozon.

Novo ano, novo blog?

Esteve quase para ser, dado o tempo em que não houve actualizações por estes lados, mas afinal continuo neste, que não só não acaba por aqui como ainda teve direito a uma mudança de imagem. Bom ano :)

Keep up the balance

i confess that in 2006 i:


( ) stayed single the whole year.
( ) got your first kiss
(x) kissed someone new
( ) made-out for the first time
(x) made-out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) kissed in the rain
(x) fell in love
( ) fell in love with a fool
(x) had your heart broken
( ) broke someone else's heart
(x) had a stalker
(x) had a good relationship with someone
(x) questioned your sexual orientation
( ) came out of the closet (não totalmente, mas houve avanços)
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) gotten someone else pregnant (hahaha!)
( ) had an abortion
( ) gotten married
( ) had a divorce
( ) had a gay marriage
(x) kissed someone of the same sex
(x) dated someone you'll never forget
(x) done something you've regretted
( ) lost your true love
( ) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under miseltoe


( ) got a promotion
( ) got a pay raise
( ) changed jobs
( ) lost your job
( ) quit your job
(x) dated a co-worker (não exactamente)
( ) dated your boss
( ) dated your boss' daughter/son
( ) got fired from your job
( ) got straight A's
( ) met one teacher you really like
( ) met one teacher you really hated
( ) found the subject you love
( ) failed a class
( ) cut class
( ) skipped school
( ) got into a fight with a classmate
(x) did something you were proud of
( ) discovered a new talent
( ) gave the teachers a reason to teach
( ) proved yourself an idiot
( ) embarassed yourself in front of the class
( ) fell in love with a teacher
( ) got a lead in the school play
( ) made a varsity team
(x) were involved in something you'll never forget
( ) got sent to the office


(x) painted a picture
( ) wrote a poem
( ) ran a mile
(x) listened to music you couldn't stand
( ) double-dipped
( ) skinny-dipped
( ) went to a sleepover
(x) went to camp
( ) threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants
(x) flirted shamelessly
(x) visited a foreign country
(x) visted a foreign state
(x) cooked a disasterous meal
(x) lost something important to you
(x) got a gift you adore
(x) realized something new about yourself
( ) went on a diet
( ) tried to gain weight
( ) dyed your hair
(x) came close to losing your life
(x) someone close to you died
(x) went to a party
(x) drank alchohol
( ) drank alchohol underage
( ) did (a) drug(s)
( ) got drunk
( ) got arrested
( ) read a great book
(x) saw a great movie
( ) saw a movie so scary that it made you cry
( ) saw your favorite band/artist live
(x) saw someone famous in person
(x) did something you want to tell everyone
(x) Enjoyed this year overall.